I Had A Bad Reaction To Your Public Hobby Writing

There are so many people on this planet.  So many.  Over 7 billion now, and that is mind blowing!  What worries me about all of these people, are they things that they say and believe.  Most people say somewhat normal things, and they don’t really irk my nerves, but then some people say things and all I can think about is punching them in the throat.  I’m not a violent person, normally, but people saying horrible, idiotic, bigoted, hurtful things based on pure nonsense is damaging not only to my brain cells, but to all the people in the world who are easily influenced into believing whatever they are told, as long as someone has a fancy blog to write it on.  (Notice that my blog is not fancy, so you can trust me!)

Here it is, plain and simple, Matt Walsh is a horrible role model.  I’ll admit that I loved some of his earlier stuff.  Like, when he said that people should put their carts back at the grocery store.  Right on!  I can get behind that!  I hate pulling into a parking spot to find a cart blocking it.  First world problems, right?  But some of his newer “work” has mentioned things such as parents of a transgender girl who should be considered abusers because there is no way that a child could know they are a different gender, that gay couples could never have marriage equality because they could never be equal, seeing as how they do not have the ability to make babies, and I believe I read something about how suicide is the most cowardly thing you could ever do, but I think my rage blacked out my memory on that one.  The suicide one was written right after Robin Williams killed himself.  Mr. Walsh claimed that he was also sad and has battled depression, but that he never killed himself… blah blah blah.  Here is the deal, you can NEVER know what someone is going through.  Ever.  I will never know every thought my husband has no matter how many hours, days, or years I spend talking to him.  So if you can sit there and judge someone who has suffered from substance abuse, a life of depression, and a diagnoses of Parkinson’s disease, then you are no someone that should not be spouting your word vomit all over the internet for all the other haters out there.

These types of people spew hatred and keep our world from evolving and growing with love and tolerance for everyone.  I hate to break it to some of you, but homosexual people have existed since the beginning of time (and not the beginning of Biblical time, but actual time).  They are not new, and they are not here to destroy the world, or ruin your marriage, or, I don’t know, whatever else some of you think they do (dance too good?).  They are only who they are, who they were born, and it’s not a lot to ask of you to get over yourselves as the supreme couples and see that they just love each other.  They aren’t doing anything wrong by loving each other.  They deserve to have their love recognized, just as you do.  They deserve to raise children, take them to Disney, dance at their weddings.  As soon as you can get over your prejudice and your “ickies” (which I assume is what you have a serious case of) then we can all live happily ever after and focus on truly horrible things in our world that need to be taken care of.  Like, staving children, cancer, climate change (yes, I’m also one of those).  We have to put our energy into helping, not hurting.  Hate breeds hate.  Let’s breed love, and lots of it!

4 thoughts on “I Had A Bad Reaction To Your Public Hobby Writing

  1. Oh god that blog has taken a turn for the worse. I’ve never followed it but I’ve seen some of his posts and just WHAT WHAT WHAT?! I can’t believe it. I really can’t believe what you just wrote. Appalled!! I agree with you 100%

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